Welcome New Users

The /config command provides access to the configuration options for welcoming new users to your group. Customize the welcome message and manage other related settings to enhance the group's atmosphere.

Welcome New Users Settings

To configure the welcome new users settings, follow these steps:

  1. Type the following command in the group chat:

  2. An inline keyboard will appear with various options for configuring welcome messages.

Welcome New Users Options

1. Enable/Disable Welcome Message

  • Toggle to enable or disable the welcome message for new users.

2. Delete Welcome Messages After

  • Set a duration for automatically deleting welcome messages after a certain period.

3. Delete Service Messages

  • Toggle to enable or disable the deletion of service messages (user left, user joined, pinned messages, etc.).

4. Edit Welcome Message

  • Click to edit the current welcome message. You can customize it using supported fillings.

  • Modify the group's Telegram link for added customization.

  • Modify the group's Twitter link for added customization.

  • Modify the group's website link for added customization.

Customizing Welcome Message

  1. Click on the "Edit Welcome Message" button.

  2. Click on the "Custom" button to change the welcome message using the supported fillings.

Send me the message or media with a caption you want to set as the welcome message.

You can use the following fillings to customize the text message:
- {first}: The user's first name.
- {last}: The user's last name.
- {fullname}: The user's full name.
- {username}: The user's username. If they don't have one, mentions the user instead.
- {mention}: Mentions the user with their firstname.
- {id}: The user's ID.
- {chatname}: The chat's name.
- {botname}: The bot's name.
- {botusername}: The bot's username.

Welcome {mention} to {chatname}!

How to Use

  1. Type /config welcome in the group chat.

  2. An inline keyboard will appear with various options.

  3. Click on the corresponding button to enable or disable specific welcome settings.

  4. Follow the prompts to input the required information or values.

Additional Information

  • Changes made through the Welcome New Users Settings menu will impact the group's welcome message behavior.

  • Customize the welcome message and related settings to create a more personalized and engaging experience for new group members.

Last updated