Mention All Group Users

The /all command allows you to tag all users in the chat or, when replied to a message, tags users hiddenly on that message. Use this command responsibly to broadcast important announcements or notifications to the entire group.

Tagging All Users in the Chat

To tag all users in the chat, follow these steps:

  1. Type the following command in the group chat:

  2. Cherry Bot will generate a message with a hidden tag for all users.

Hidden Tagging on a Specific Message

To tag users hiddenly on a specific message, follow these steps:

  1. Reply to the message you want to tag users on.

  2. Use the following command:


Cherry Bot will generate a hidden tag for all users on the replied message.

Additional Information

  • Use the /all command responsibly to avoid unnecessary spam.

  • Hidden tags are visible to users, but the tag itself is not displayed in the chat message.

Example Usage

/all to tag all users in the chat.
Reply to a message with /all to tag users hiddenly on that message.

Feel free to utilize the /all command for group-wide announcements and communication in your Telegram community.

Last updated