Revenue model

How revenue is generated:

  1. Ads: Cherry offers various banner and button ads across the bot, channel, and web properties, providing visibility to projects and services.

  2. Trending: Cherry Trending hosts trending spots for top projects across multiple chains, including Presale Trending. While most results are organic, paid placements are available for enhanced visibility.

  3. Raid Buyback & Burns: Cherry takes 10% from every project conducting token buybacks and burns after completing a successful Twitter raid, supporting a deflationary environment.

  4. Affiliates: Short links to sniping, charting, and other essential tools generate affiliate revenue for Cherry.

  5. Premium: New premium features within the bot can be accessed through paid subscriptions.

  6. Cherry Game: Cherry Game generates revenue through its Raids feature and by promoting projects through in-game tasks, engaging players and boosting project visibility.

Last updated