Setup Buy Bot

To use the buy bot feature, You need to set a token for your group. Follow these steps:

  1. Start Token Setting Process:

    • Use the /add command to initiate the token setting process.

  2. Send Token Information to the Group:

    • Send the token contract address, pair address, or presale URL to the group.

    • Note: If you send an invalid link or token address, the bot will send an error, and you should try again.

  3. Select Your Desired Token:

    • Choose your desired token from the keyboard options.

    • Note: If you sent a presale link, this step will be skipped for you.

  4. Review Token Information:

    • The bot will show you the token information.

    • If the information is correct, click on the confirm button.

    • If not, click on close and try again.

  5. Success Confirmation:

    • If you see the success message, congratulations!

    • You've set the token for the group successfully.

Last updated