Add and Remove Filters

The /filter command allows you to add filters to the chat, enhancing the bot's ability to respond to specific triggers with predefined messages.

Adding a Filter

To add a filter to the chat, follow these steps:

Method 1: Reply to a Message

  1. Reply to the message you want to set as the response.

  2. Use the following command:

    /filter <trigger>


    /filter /social

Method 2: Specify Response Message

  1. Use the following command:

    /filter <trigger> <response>


    /filter /social This is a social message.

Removing a Filter

To remove a filter from the chat, use the following command:

/rmfilter <trigger>


/rmfilter /social

Additional Information

  • If you want to attach media to the filter, you can use the command by mentioning the word and replying to an already sent message you want to set as the response.


    /filter /social
  • The word specified as the trigger will be case-insensitive.

Usage Examples

Method 1 Example:

  • Reply to a message with:

    /filter /social

Method 2 Example:

  • Specify the response message:

    /filter /social This is a social message.

Now, when someone mentions "/social" in the chat, the bot will respond with the predefined message. To remove the filter, use /rmfilter /social.

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