Setup Portal


Cherry Bot introduces a powerful feature called Portals, allowing you to create secure areas for your group to prevent bot spam. This guide will walk you through setting up a portal using Cherry Bot.


  1. Make sure you have administrative privileges in the Telegram group where you want to set up the portal.

Setting Up a Portal

Step 1: Start the Portal Setup Process

  • Add the bot to your channel and give the necessary permissions to it.

  • In your group chat, initiate the portal setup process by using the /portal command.

Step 2: Obtain Portal ID

  • Cherry Bot will generate a unique Portal ID (e.g., "portal-ABCDEF123456"). This ID will be used to identify and manage your portal.

Step 3: Forward the message to the portal channel

  • Once the Portal ID is generated, Forward it to your portal channel in order to verify it.

Step 4: Verification Message

  • Cherry Bot will send a verification message to your group, confirming the portal setup.

Step 5: Completion

  • Congratulations! Your portal has been created. For the portal to function properly, ensure that your group is private.

Additional Information

  • If any issues occur during the portal setup, Cherry Bot will provide error messages or instructions. Make sure to follow any additional steps mentioned.

  • For support or if you encounter any difficulties, please contact the group admin or Cherry Bot support.

That's it! You've successfully set up a portal using Cherry Bot. Explore additional features and commands to enhance your group experience.

Last updated