
The /wallet command allows you to check the wallet information for the current group. Follow the steps below to view the wallet address, balance, and perform withdrawals if you are the group owner.

Checking Wallet Information

  1. Type the following command in the group chat:

  2. Click on the link button provided to you in the response.

Choosing a Blockchain

  1. Once redirected to the private message, select the desired blockchain from the available options.

Viewing Wallet Details

  1. After selecting the blockchain, you will receive a message containing the group's wallet address and balance.

    • If the balance is greater than 0, additional options may be available.

Withdrawal (Group Owner Only)

If you are the group owner and the balance is greater than 0:

  1. Click on the "Withdraw" button.

  2. The bot will prompt you to enter the wallet address to which you want to withdraw funds.

  3. Provide the wallet address when prompted.

Additional Information

  • The withdrawal feature is only available to the group owner.

  • Make sure to double-check the accuracy of the withdrawal wallet address.

  • Withdrawal requests are processed based on the group's native chain balance.

Example Usage


Explore the wallet command to manage and monitor your group's native chain balance. If you have further questions or encounter issues, please contact the group owner or Cherry Bot support.

Last updated